Let's Experience The Transformation by Data

Your ideas can make the world better, let's work together with our Top Malaysia Coders & Data Driven Solutions.

Highly-tailored Big Data Solutions

Let's Big Data Ecosystem Help Your Business

Nowadays Big Data is very important to us, We believe every piece of data has its significant value. The Big Data Ecosystem is the tactic to collect the data, process data, visualize & analyze data, and lastly decisions making on the result. It will bring your business to the next level.

Collection of Data

We consult our clients to transform their business from the foundation of the data-driven solution and also implement it in their business by providing them solutions of:

Android & iOS Apps Development
Managed Cloud & Security Service
Web Development (React js, Vuejs)
Backend System Development (Golang, Nodejs)
UI&UX Design
CI/CD Integration

Processing Data

After collecting the data, processing data, and making them trustable. 

ETL (Extra, transform, Load)
On Premise (Docker, Kubernetes, VM, Bare Metal)
Microservices (Spark, MongoDB, Hadoop, Kafka)
Real-time monitoring (Grafana)

Data Visualization & Analytic

Understanding the data is a very important step for us to fully utilize them, with the great visualization of data for you to control every single detail of your business.

Dashboard (Line Graph, Heat Map, Boxplot, ...)
Data Science
Design the data visualisation UI
Map Reduce
Segmentation & Behavior Study
Grafana, Data studio, Tableau, Python, Matlab

Decision Making on Data

Now, all set is time to show off the power of data with the following solutions we are providing:

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AI implementation

Recommendation system

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ML & Deep learning Model

AI Ecosystem Consultation

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Edge AI solution

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